Thursday, September 26, 2013

Johnny Appleseed Day

photo from

Surely all of you have heard of the Johnny Appleseed! I would imagine that the first image that popped into your head was similar to the picture I have posted above, a man surrounded by apples with a pot as a hat and sacks as clothing. As the tale goes, Johnny is noted for being friends with just about everyone he encountered which ranged from Native Americans to settlers to even animals. His goal was to plant apple seeds all over so that no one would ever be hungry and there would be a great source of food for people and animals. This ambitious, very religious, and kind-hearted man lived  rustically without any complaints, and he journeyed through Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Pennsylvania and Ohio to create many apple orchards. While Johnny traveled, barefoot, might I add, this caring vegetarian would inform farmers and other people of how to take care of the apple trees and how beneficial they could be for everyone.

There are some popular legends about Johnny such as the time he was bitten in the foot by a rattlesnake but was not injured because of how tough his feet were. Another is that he made water to drink by melting snow with his feet. It is known that he did get along with animals, and one story even speaks of him playing with a family of bears. Despite some of these tales that may seem crazy, Johnny Appleseed--errm...more like John Chapman...was indeed a real person. Chapman was born on September 26, 1774 (which is why we celebrate him today!) in Massachusetts. He began his dream at the age of 18 and continued planting apple seeds everywhere he went for more than forty years until he grew ill and died in 1845. There is a memorial for him at Fort Wayne in Indiana that appropriately has the words "he lived for others" engraved on it.

Craving some delicious apple themed treats now? Well now that it is fall, you won't have to search very far! Head on over to a store or farmer's market to pick out some of your favorite apples or even go to an orchard and hand pick your very own! Grab some pals and host an apple pie eating contest or go bobbing for apples! One of my personal favorite apple treats are caramel apples. Gather some sweet treats such as crushed up Oreos, sprinkles, nuts, and caramel and make your own Do-It-Yourself candy apple bar!
Here is a list of even more scrumptious apple desserts! -->

Now it's time to sit back with a nice glass of apple juice and watch this Johnny Appleseed movie, enjoy!


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